SHOWFIGHT an exclusive organization !

SHOWFIGHT an exclusive organization !
This December 4, 2023 will forever remain a date engraved in the history of sport in Portugal. In the splendid room of the Coliseu de Recreios of Lisbon took place the very first IBA championship in the history of Portugal and crowned the very first IBA champion.
Indeed in a very committed quality fight, the Portuguese Juan Pedro Manuel Gomez is seized the intercontinental title of the featherweights division against the very good South African Jeff Magagane (top 100 class in the world).
Another unforgettable moment was the handing over of the WKN/SL Benfica belt to crown 20 years of collaboration between the two entities.
The WKN considered by many to be the most prestigious federation in the world has always had very strong and successful working and exchange ties with English boxing and more particularly with the legendary IBA based in the USA.
It is also the only one in the world in kickboxing to have a phone link with English boxing and since the 90s (exclusive collaboration with Don King Promotion & PPG).
We bet that in 2024 the promoter Paulo Magalhaes will certainly organize other championships and a title defense for the new Champ Pedro Manuel Gomez.
Obligado Portugal 🇵🇹

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